We could transform our What Ifs into new possibilities?
We could transform our What Ifs into new possibilities?
At P4P we want you to know that we're on your side every step of the way. That said, we never want to suggest that the ideas we propose are simple or easy, nor that people should just “look on the bright side” in order for good things to happen (sugarcoating is for doughnuts). In fact, our new campaign grew out of these truths. We asked ourselves:

For all of us, life holds so many unknowns, so many What Ifs. Yet such concerns weigh far more deeply for the families and, in particular the parents, of a loved one living with a disability. Because a hallmark of the P4P philosophy involves "thinking differently" we decided it'd be a good idea to shift perspective when considering all the What Ifs.

What if my son or daughter is without friends after high school?
What if they could flourish and make some new friends, like Andrew or Brock?
What if my relative has nothing to do and nothing to contribute?
What if they could become involved in new activities in their communities, like Isaac or Rebecca?
What if my loved one is still living with me 30 years from now?
What if they could live in their own home with the right level of support, like Lynn or Neil?
We know it’s not easy. Just as we urge caregivers to envision new possibilities, as an organization we too constantly challenge ourselves to brainstorm new ideas leading to positive change for all people living with disabilities - changes which also impact our communities and, eventually, we hope, the world beyond.
What if together we could create the best possible life for all individuals living with disabilities?
P4P is certain that given the right resources, families, caregivers and communities can build capacity to achieve such a vision, and translate it to reality. We've seen it happen. Our intention is to make it keep on happening.