Creating a Microboard Can Help Create A Sustainable Future!
Creating a Microboard Can Help Create A Sustainable Future!
Parents and caregivers worry about who will be there when they are no longer able to care for their loved ones with a disability. It is a question that weighs heavy on us. As family members, or parents, we look to the future and we want to know what options will be available to our loved one. We wonder who will make decisions and what values will be held by the people in our loved ones lives.
The Good News
The good news is Microboards may be part of a long-term solution for your family. Microboards have provided some families with a formal way of preparing for the future. This can give families peace of mind that their loved one will be protected and surrounded by people who know them and care about them. However, it does take careful planning and a proactive mindset. There are no quick fixes.
On this resource page you will find:
- the basics about Microboards
- the role of Microboard members
- family stories
- the basic legal steps
- helpful resources

What is a Microboard?
A Microboard is a non-profit corporation created by a small group of committed family members and friends alongside a person with a disability. Microboards focus on empowerment and preserving a person’s self-determination. Members of a Microboard take a person-directed approach to supporting a person with a disability to plan their life and make decisions. Microboards help people with a disability to express their hopes and dreams and to work with others to personalize a plan that aligns with their goals and vision for the future.